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2011 Quest for Birds
For 2011, I took on the project of trying to see how many species of birds I could see. I didn’t plan on any trips outside of the Western US states at the time, but later added a trip to Hawaii. I planned a trip to Northern California in January/February, a brief one to San Diego in March, a 6 week trip to the Southwest (with a stop in Central Oregon on the way home), the usual annual trip to Yosemite in June, and a trip to Montana/Wyoming in July. In addition, I planned on doing a lot more local birding around Washington this year.
I have written a chronicle of that Quest, and I’m putting it up here, a month at a time. The first couple of months are mostly just words, but later I started adding pictures to the reports that I wrote each day that I saw a new species of bird for the year (and sometimes at other times, too.
Click on the month names below, to read my accounts. To return from any of the monthly accounts to this page, click the Back button on your browser.